
Company Profile


Active Marine is one of Tasmania’s premier marine dealerships, with customers including many of Tasmania’s highest-profile and biggest marine businesses.

Since 2003 hundreds of boating enthusiasts have turned to Active Marine for the purchase and servicing of their marine vessels.

Notes Dave Wilkinson, owner and manager, “One major thing our existing management package couldn’t do was track inventory items via serial numbers. Another capability it lacked was accurate job costings. These limitations made it difficult for us to accurately plan, track and manage repair tasks, boat construction projects and similar jobs.”


Jiwa Implementation


“Using Jiwa we can stay on top of each job every step of the way. When we finally produce an invoice we know that everything, to the last cent, has been accounted for.”

Wilkinson chose to upgrade to Jiwa, which has the capability of tracking every inventory item by serial number so the business can look up an item and see immediately what stock they have available.

When a customer brings a boat in to Active Marine for spare parts, repairs and/or service, a new job sheet gets created in Jiwa that allows Wilkinson and his team to have a complete picture of each job through every phase.

“We installed Jiwa and haven’t looked back since,” said Wilkinson. “With Jiwa we have greatly enhanced our stock control processes – a big benefit both for us and our customers.

Continued Wilkinson, “Using Jiwa we can stay on top of each job every step of the way. When we finally produce an invoice we know that everything, to the last cent, has been accounted for. We also appreciate that Jiwa was willing to tailor the system to our needs. For us, that included a plug-in to create ‘temporary’ spare parts that helps us to avoid messing up our stock control.”

For Active Marine, the solution provides the peace of mind of knowing that nothing slips through the net.

“One thing I particularly like about Jiwa is that you have no choice but to be quite methodical with it”, said Wilkinson. “Jiwa doesn’t allow you to take shortcuts.”


Into the Future


Remarks Wilkinson, “I can’t imagine us moving to a different system at any point in the future,” he said. “While there are other ERP systems out there catering to the marine industry, Jiwa does everything we need it to do and does it well.”